PAT by the Numbers

Teachers from day one.

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an evidence-based parent education and support program that empowers parents as their child’s first teacher. PAT uses a home visitation model, working with families from pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten.

PAT improves parenting practices by increasing a parent’s knowledge of early childhood development. Through home visits and ongoing assessment, parent educators are able to provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, help in the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and increase children’s school readiness and success.

Proven Impact

Rigorous evaluation proves that PAT works. Here are just a few of its incredible impacts:

✓ Virtually eliminates the achievement gap
✓ Prevents abuse and neglect
✓ PAT parents spend more time reading to their children
✓ PAT kids are five times more likely to be fully immunized

Learn even more about PAT and its incredible impact.

Components critical for success.

The PAT model has four dynamic components that together create a cohesive package of services for families with young children:

  • Personal Visits: certified parent educators share age-appropriate child development information with parents and caregivers to engage the family in activities that provide meaningful parent and child interaction.
  • Group Meetings: relay important information about child development, offering parents opportunities to interact and support one another.
  • Health & Developmental Screenings: detect any developmental delays or health issues early in a child’s life.
  • Resource Network: connects families with resources to help them reach their goals and address their individual needs.

Currently, PAT reaches 2,115 children and their families through 28 sites in 35 counties across Colorado.

Parent Possible works in close partnership with Parents as Teachers National Center, which oversees the replication of PAT both nationally and internationally. For more information on PAT worldwide, visit

For more information on PAT in Colorado, please contact

